About Us
Harbor House Crisis Shelters mission is to provide hospitable shelter, transitional and supportive housing and services for homeless women and families. Harbor House Crisis Shelters is committed to ending homelessness by providing direct services for homeless single women and families, by conducting public education, analysis of model programs and practices that create permanent housing opportunities, and by shaping policies to prevent future homelessness.
Did you know?….
- Harbor House Crisis Shelters serves roughly 300 single women & families annually.
- In Wisconsin, about 7.8 for every 10,000 people are experiencing homelessness.
- 1 in 30 American children experience homelessness.
- 51% of those 30 children are under the age of 5!
- Affordable housing is essential to ending homelessness.
- Often times families experiencing homelessness, both parents work but don’t make a livable wage.
Educating yourself, family, friends and those around you! You can always lend a helping hand to someone experiencing homelessness, and/or volunteer with us at our shelter. You can also invite 2 representatives of Harbor House to speak at your organization.

Hello, I am Krystal Brandstatter, the Executive Director of Harbor House Crisis Shelter. I’d like to share a little about myself- I have worked for Harbor House since February 2009 and took on the Director position in 2022. I worked as a case manager prior to taking on this position and am passionate about helping those in need. I am thankful for the opportunity to give back to those who are struggling and hope to make a difference here at Harbor House.
Our Services

SAMaritan Fund
The SAMaritan Fund is sponsored by the Superior Area Ministerium. Funds may be used for rental and utility assistance, prescription co-pays, and transportation assistance. Applications are approved on a case by case basis. We provide services Monday, Wednesday & Thursday – 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. by appointment only, please call 715-997-7184. Please bring your ID with you to the appointment.
Emergency Shelter
Harbor House Crisis Shelters (HHCS) provides forty-five day emergency shelter for women and families. The shelter is open 24 hours a day every day of the year providing for daily needs such as clothing, bedding, hygiene products, food diapers, and cleaning supplies. Guests are also required to participate in case management services.

Transitional Living Center
Transitional Living Center (TLC) is for supportive housing assistance for homeless families and single women. The TLC’s case management addresses the many barriers to attaining permanent housing such as poor credit, prior eviction/poor rental history, unpaid fines, mental illness/substance use disorder, disabilities, domestic violence, and/or lack of education/employment.

Tabitha Apartments (Permanent Supportive Housing)
The Tabitha Apartments (PSH) are for those with a few extra barriers with attaining housing. This program is long-term, and participants are still required to meet with our case manager. This program is meant to be a stepping stone in finding more permanent housing.
Our Values
“…mercy triumphs judgment…”
James 2:13
Do all the good you can,
By all means you can,
In all ways you can,
In all places you can,
At all times you can,
To all the people you can,
As long as ever you can. (John Wesley, founder of Methodism)
Our Vision
Harbor House Crisis Shelters is committed to ending homelessness by providing direct services for homeless single women and families, by conducting public education, analysis of model programs and practices that create permanent housing opportunities, and by shaping policies to prevent future homelessness.
Community Partners
- Douglas County Drug Treatment Court
- DTA Board Member (Duluth Transit Authority)
- The Implementing of Mental Health Treatment Court
- Reclaim Recovery – An addiction support group
- Reimagine Mental Health (Douglas County)

You can make a difference and help end homelessness in Douglas County! We value your partnership, so we’ve made giving easy and secure. Just select Harbor House from the list of ministries, and enter in the rest of the asked information.
“God has blessed me with Harbor House Crisis Shelters and their staff. I don’t know what would have happened to me or my kids. My life is so much better—I have somewhere to live, I have a job, and my children are safe. Thank you for helping me to be the person I am supposed to be.”
Actual Harbor House Client
“I am so grateful for your faith in me. You encouraged me to take one step at a time. Thank you for all that you do— my life is completely changed.”
Actual Harbor House Client